Tele Behaviorial Counseling Programs in Rural High Schools
Date & Time
Friday, June 19, 2020, 10:25 AM - 11:25 AM

This presentation will focus on the planning and implementation needed to bring a successful Tele Behavioral Counseling Program to rural high schools. The presenters will discuss the process of implementation, the current success seen in the clinical aspects of the program and the process of data collection/evaluation and billing. This collaborative model has leveraged interactive video conferencing technology to increase access to behavioral health services for school aged children and their families in a convenient and non-threatening setting.  Our model shifts the traditional model of behavioral health treatment from being isolated in medical settings and moves it out into the community reaching children in a familiar setting where there is a support system to assist. Tele-behavioral health (Tele-BH) services directly accessed in the school break down some of the existing barriers by offering timely access, reducing costs and time constraints, and filling service gaps inherent in our rural area.